Return as of 05/08/2024 over a period of... Return with reinvested dividends
% in absolute terms
Return with reinvested dividends
% annualized
1 year -7.65 % -20.75 %
3 years -15.69 % -5.52 %
5 years -0.54 % -0.11 %
10 years 32.24 % 2.83 %

Return calculator

with reinvested dividend(s)

Closing price as of 05/08/2014 74.38 €
Closing price as of 05/08/2024 71.90 €


% in absolute terms % annualized
Share price performance -3.33 % -0.34 %
Return with dividend(s) reinvested in GBL shares 32.24 % 2.83 %